Skill Group Levels - KW Swim Team

The Fox Chapel Killer Whales Swim Team offers training, practice, and the opportunity to compete in swim meets for swimmers ages 5 to 18. Our skill groups range from those who have just graduated from KW Swim School Lessons (and are not quite ready for competition), to the accomplished, competitive swimmer. Our goal is to offer age-specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging and developing each individual to the best of their abilities.

Returning Swimmers

The KW Head Coach is responsible for the placement of each swimmer into one of the levels listed below according to their demonstrated swimming competency.

New Swimmers

All swimmers new to the team must have their swimming skills assessed by the coaches before they begin practice. This is to ensure the swimmer is ready to join the team and to place the swimmer within the appropriate skill group. To have a swimmer's skills assessed, a swimmer may attend one of the open tryouts held at the beginning of each season or make arrangements for an individual skills assessment by contacting us.

Skill Group Levels


Pre-Competitive (PC) - Skill Group


Ages 10 and Under

Skill Introduction

Begin to build the foundation for freestyle and backstroke
Learn how to start/finish properly in freestyle and backstroke

Min. Exit Requirements

Rotary breathing for 50 yards under 1:10
Streamline 5 yards underwater from a dive off the side of the pool
Legal 25 yards backstroke under :45
Ability to do a front somersault in the water
Flutter kick 50 yards under 1:20


Practice offered two days per week for a 1-hour session (estimated and can change)
Encouraged to attend practice regularly.


No meet requirements

Gear Required

Fins Arena Jr Fin
Goggles (2)
KW Swim Caps (2)

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Bronze - Skill Group


Primarily Ages 10 and Under

Skill Acquisition

Introduction to proper practice procedures
Introduction of basic stroke drills
Attempting all four stroke kicks with and without a board
Arm cycles coordination and stroke count
Proper use of bi-lateral breathing
Streamline development with proper underwater kicks
Performance of legal turns and starts
Introduction to interval swimming and kicking
Develop underwater swimming on starts and turns
Athletic development through basic dryland movements

Min. Exit Requirements

Compete in at least one USA Swimming competition
Legal strokes and turns in at least 3 strokes
Can verbally display knowledge of all 4 strokes and turn rules
Swim a continuous 200 free with flip turns and bi-lateral breathing under 4:00
Can do a racing dive from the starting block
Can streamline 10 yards underwater
Four 9-10 "B" times
10x50 @ 1:05 freestyle maintaining turns and technique
10x50 @ 1:15 kick
Knowledge of meet protocol, and all rules pertaining to IM, relay, and fly-over starts
Show good sportsmanship


Practice offered three days per week, 1-hour sessions (estimated and can change)
Encouraged to attend practice regularly.


Encouraged to participate in two or three USA Swimming meets per year
Must compete in at least one meet per year

Gear Required

Fins- Arena Jr Fins or Arena Pro Fins/Pro Fins II
Goggles (2)
KW Swim Caps (2)

Dryland Training:

Team Suit
KW T-shirt
KW Caps (2)
Goggles (2)
Please label all equipment with your name.

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Silver - Skill Group


Primarily Ages 9 - 13

Skill Refinement

Continued development of interval kicking
Continued development of stroke drills
Maintain technique through practice sets and competition
Learn to effectively use training equipment (snorkels, paddles, fins)
Develop core body strength, increase flexibility and fitness through dryland activities
Increase speed and endurance

Group Goals

4 USA Swim Meets
4, 9-10 A or 11-12 BB times
8 x 100 @ 2:00 flutter
5 x 200 @ 3:00 maintaining turns and technique
Legal 200 IM under 3:00
500 Free under 8:00
Complete a 100 of all strokes with legal turns and technique
Knowledge of the Sport's Rules and all Swimming Events
Display Good Sportsmanship in a team and competitive environment


Practices offered 4-5 times per week, 1.25-2 hour practices offered weekly
Minimum three practices per week.


Encouraged to participate in one meet per month

Gear Required

Kickboard Arena
Pool Buoy (Recommended, but not required - Any brand)
Front Snorkel  Arena Pro Snorkel III
Hand Paddles Tyr Catalyst yellow, or Strokemaker paddles Size 1
Fins Arena Pro Fins/Pro Fins II
Goggles (2)
KW Swim Caps (2)

Dryland Training:

Team Suit
KW T-shirt
KW Caps (2)
Goggles (2)

Please label all equipment with your name.

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Gold - Skill Group


Ages 11 - 14

Performance Building

Continued development of interval kicking
Continued development of stroke drills
Maintain technique through training sets and competition
Continued use of training equipment (snorkels, paddles, fins)
Continued development of core body strength, flexibility, and fitness through dryland activities
Increase speed and endurance

Minimum Entry Requirements

Swimmers who meet all of the Silver Group Goals can be considered for advancement to the Gold Group

Group Goals

Complete a legal 400 IM in under 6:00
5 x 200 @ 3:00 free swim maintain turns and technique
6 x 100 @ 1:45 IM maintain turns and technique
8 x 100 @ 1:55 Flutter Kick
Strive for excellence in turns and technique during all workouts
Demonstrate good sportsmanship in practice and competition
Demonstrate behaviors for younger teammates to emulate
Routinely work with different members of the group to create team bonds.


Practice offered five to six times per week, 1.5 - 2.25 hour sessions
Minimum four practices per week.


Encouraged to participate in one meet per month

Gear Required

Kickboard Arena
Pool Buoy (Any brand, same size on both sides, Sporti Junior size)
Front Snorkel Arena Pro III
Hand Paddles
    - TYR Catalyst Paddles (11 and under size small; 12+ size medium)
    - OR Strokemaker paddles (11 and under size 0.5;  12+ size 1 or 2)
Short Fins Arena Pro Fins/Pro Fins II
Kick Socks (Recommend Power Bags by ONESwim, size PB25)
Finis Tempo Trainer
Finis Swim Parachute, Red 8-inch Chute
Goggles (2)
KW Swim Caps (2)

Dryland Training:

Team Suit
KW T-shirt
KW Caps (2)
Goggles (2)

Please label all equipment with your name.

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Senior - Skill Group


Ages 14 - 18

Minimum Entry Requirements

Minimum one year of swimming with the Killer Whales or another USA Swimming Club
Must be at least starting 8th grade
Complete a legal 400 IM under 5:30 or 500 free under 6:30
Make 5 x 200 freestyle swim on 2:45
Make 8 x 100 flutter kick on 1:45
Commitment to swimming – minimum attendance of at least 5 workouts each week

Performance Refinement

Continued development of speed and endurance through specialized training
Maintain technique through training sets and competition
Additional training equipment utilization
Development of strength and endurance through structured dryland
Meets as per coach recommendation
Positive role model for all young athletes
Show leadership

Group Goals

Develop top-tier skills in starts, turns, and technique
Create a positive, supportive group environment for all athletes to feel valued and included
Strive for individual excellence in a team setting
Model best practices of Sportsmanship, Team Spirit, and Integrity during all team activities
Support and recognize the efforts of teammates in and out of the water
Strive for inclusion top to bottom daily
Communicate with coaches directly with goals, schedules, and difficulties


Practice offered six times per week, 2- to 3.5-hour sessions with dryland
Attend all offered water and dryland sessions


Attend meets as requested

Gear Required


Finis Tempo Trainer
Finis Swim Parachute
Kick Board Arena
TYR Catalyst Stroke Training paddles (medium or large) or Strokemaker paddles (size 2 or 3)
ONE Swim Powerbags (size PB40)
DMC SOFpaddle
Front Snorkel Arena Pro III
Short Fins Arena Pro Fins/Pro Fins II
Goggles (2)
KW Swim Caps (2)

Dryland Training:
Foam Roller 
Yoga Mat

Team Suit
KW T-shirt
KW Black Caps (2)
Goggles (2)
Please label all gear with your name.

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